Mission Statement
Holy Family School exists to serve its parish and community by promoting excellence in academic, creative and spiritual learning.
Based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Roman Catholic Church, the school seeks to provide a happy, safe and inspiring environment where children, staff, parents and visitors feel secure, loved and respected.
Holy Family Roman Catholic School encourages all:
- Through WORK, to develop his or her full potential as part of the community and as a unique person made in the image and likeness of God.
- Through WORSHIP, to learn to know and love God and to recognise the person of Christ in others.
- Through WITNESS, to celebrate Gospel messages including justice and peace
British Values
At Holy Family School, we endeavor to uphold and live by the teachings of Christ. Through our actions, thoughts, works and relationships, we try to live as His disciples, living with one another in peace and dignity. Our school ethos is one of work, worship and witness and permeates every aspect of our work as a community.By living our faith, we uphold the British Values of; Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance of Different Faiths in the following ways:
Democracy – regular voting for representative members of the School Council, School Sports Ambassadors and Eco Team, debates and discussion in the Creative, RE & PHSCE Curriculum, conscience alley, staff, pupil and parental questionnaires and topics which explore ancient civilisations and contrasts political systems across the world.
The Rule of Law – Statements to Live By, school and class rules, behaviour and discipline policy, Caritas (Faith in Action), discussing incidents through with children, li links with PCSOs, related professionals visits to school during Careers Week.
Individual Liberty – Fairtrade & Eco Schools focus, personalised learning, dignity of each person, pupil voice, access to all to a broad and balanced curriculum, right of all to be safe, free from harm, suggestion boxes, Statements to Live By, Collective Worship & RE curriculum.
Mutual Respect – Promoting forgiveness through the practice of the Gospel Values, relationships in school, positive adult role models of different sexes, faiths, cultures, charitable work (Caritas, Rochdale Foodbank, Suubi Children’s Home, Mission Week), Friendship Groups, Paired Readers, School Sports Leaders, Y6 & Reception Class Buddy system, Fairtrade Fortnight, work of the Chaplaincy Team and PFA role in school.
Tolerance of Different Faiths – Visits to different places of worship through RE curriculum work (Gurdwara Temple, Neelie Mosque, Synagogue), Multi-faith curriculum week, Class and School Assemblies, collective worship, people of our community of different faiths and none, RE Curriculum and Statements to Live By.