Year 2
Staff: Miss A Walsh, Mrs G McLaughlan (Teaching Assistant), Mrs A Gander (Teaching Assistant)
Welcome to Year 2. Our topic for this term is Where to Now?
For your information a curriculum overview grid showing how this will link in with other subjects is shown below.
In our RELIGION lessons our first topic will be all about the books used in church, recognising that the Bible is a special book and becoming aware of some of the Bible stories.
During the ENGLISH sessions this term we will look at a range of texts from authors such as Dr Seuss and and John Burningham. You will find more details on the texts on the overview below.
In MATHS lessons we will continue the work on multiplication and division and begin to learn about money alongside consolidating our key skills.
Notices and Key Dates
P.E. is on Thursday mornings. Please come to school on Thursdays in your P.E kit.
Spellings will still be sent home each week in your child's communication log please take time to practise these at home. Children will also be given some time at school to learn their spellings.
Please send your child in with their communication log and reading book daily.
If you have any questions regarding Year 2 please speak with a member of the Year 2 staff team.