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Holy Family Roman Catholic Primary School

Through Work, Through Worship, Through Witness


Great Gates Road, Kirkholt, Rochdale, OL11 2DN

(01706) 640480


'With God, all things are possible.'  Isaiah  60:22

Creative Curriculum

We follow a Creative Curriculum that covers the subjects of History, Geography, Art and Design & Technology and the National Curriculum requirements for each.  Each subject is planned carefully so that skills and knowledge are built upon in a chronological sequence and time is given to revisiting prior learning which helps the children contextualise what they are studying within each year group. Teaching through a topic based approach provides the children with a clear context for the application of the distinctive knowledge and skills of each subject discipline while enabling them to make links across subjects to support deeper enjoyment and understanding.

Other subjects are taught as discrete subjects in their own right. We put a great emphasis on learning through experience and inquiry, providing opportunities for children to do, make, question and reason. School visits and outdoor learning opportunities enrich the children's learning in school in all year groups.

Click on your child's class page to find our what they are studying in their class this term...


 History symbol



Through learning about history, children are encouraged to ask questions about the world around them and to understand how to make sense of the world in which they live.  A focus on local history and that of the wider world encourages pupils to think about how life has changed, and prepares them for a world that is ever-changing. The skills that pupils are encouraged to adopt, such as; philosophical thinking, referencing different sources  and understanding events from different points of view should encourage empathy and understanding and help them to develop a deeper awareness of the world in which we live.


The History curriculum follows a chronological route through periods of time.  It is characterised by key learning features; social history (homes, food, dress, education, work), social structure (kingdom, monarchy, tribal, government) and placed in a coherent timeline, helping children understand how one period of history impacts on another.  

Teachers use quality texts to support the history curriculum and provide opportunities for children to learn from a variety of historical sources, encouraging them to hone and refine their skills of historical enquiry.   They interrogate historical events and figures by posing philosophical questions to help them understand their impact and consequences. 


The impact of the curriculum is monitored in several ways to ensure that pupils all have access to a wide curriculum. Pupil opinions, assessment outcomes and progression, planning, work in books, discussions with teachers, plus learning walks and classroom displays are used to inform the quality of learning and understanding that pupils have gained.

Holy Family Progression of Skills in History




In discovering the physical and human geography of different places, pupils are encouraged to think about the planet that we live on as something that must be looked after and appreciated.  By understanding how people live, and the cultural differences around the world, pupils are encouraged to be understanding and respectful of different people. As stewards of God's earth, we teach the children that we have a responsibility to care for the planet for future generations.


Geography is delivered through topics and connections made with the culture or period in time that is under study.  Practical and experiential learning is a key feature of the curriculum delivery and children are given the opportunity to practice and refine map and fieldwork skills, building on what they have learned before.  The local area and school grounds are exploited to support the development of geographical skills and a local fieldwork week focus provides an enrichment opportunity to put these skills into practice.  

The environment and its vulnerabilities are explored through Geography topics. Children consider philosophical questions and reason how human behaviour threatens the planet and its species.


As with History, the impact of the Geography curriculum is monitored in several ways to ensure that pupils all have access to a wide curriculum. Pupil opinions, assessment outcomes and progression, planning, work in books, discussions with teachers, plus learning walks and classroom displays are used to inform the quality of learning and understanding that pupils have gained.

Holy Family Progression of Skills in Geography


Art SymbolArt


Art and design stimulate creativity and imagination. It provides visual, tactile and sensory experiences, and a special way of understanding and responding to the world which is fundamental for our children's creative development. It enables children to communicate what they see, feel and think, through the use of colour, texture, form, pattern and different materials and processes without the pressures of the written or spoken word. Participating in a range of art forms helps children become creative, responsive, critical and appreciative. They discover the value of focus, discipline and practice and the importance of working collaboratively. Responding to the work of other artists helps them to develop an appreciation of aesthetics, and enables insights into different viewpoints, identities and cultures.


Our art curriculum is based on quality resources and delivered through a topic based approach. Art plays an important role across the curriculum. Skills, experiences and art appreciation are considered carefully and build on what has been studied before.  Art provides opportunities for pupils to:

Foster an understanding and enjoyment of art, craft and design

Develop and encourage creativity and imagination through experimenting with a range of different tools and materials.

Become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques

Develop use of a range of tools, media and processes

Evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design

Know about great artists, craft makers and designers

Understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms

Develop their ability to observe, investigate, respond to and record the world around them through a growing variety of forms and media


The curriculum and its impact is monitored through constructive scrutiny of termly data, planning, monitoring of books and displays, lesson observations, learning walks, discussions with teaching staff and parents and pupil voice. The learning environment is testament to the priority given to the visual arts and this is regularly appraised as part of the monitoring and evaluation strategy.

Holy Family Progression of Skills in Art

 DT symbol

Design Technology


Design Technology provides children with a real life context for learning and creativity.   Through Design Technology, children should be inspired by engineers, designers, chefs and architects to enable them to create a range of structures, mechanisms, textiles, electrical systems and food products with a real life purpose. All children will acquire appropriate subject knowledge, skills and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum.   As an integral part of the Creative Curriculum, strong cross curricular links with other subjects are made to support a schema of learning and understanding including, Mathematics, Science and Computing. Design and Technology will help to prepare children, to give them the opportunities, responsibilities, and experiences they need to be successful in later life.


All Design Technology teaching follows the design, make and evaluate cycle. Each stage is rooted in technical knowledge and given equal balance.  The design process is rooted in real life and relevant contexts and focus topics to give meaning to learning. While making, children are given choice and a range of tools to choose from. To evaluate, children are able to evaluate their own products against a design criteria. Each of these steps is rooted in technical knowledge and vocabulary.  


Children will have clear enjoyment and confidence in Design Technology that they will apply to other areas of the curriculum. Through carefully planned and implemented
learning activities the pupils will develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently and to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world. They will gain a firm foundation of knowledge and skills to see them equipped to take on further learning in school and beyond.

Holy Family DT Progression of skills