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Holy Family Roman Catholic Primary School

Through Work, Through Worship, Through Witness


Great Gates Road, Kirkholt, Rochdale, OL11 2DN

(01706) 640480


Safeguarding & Early Help


Safeguarding our children, staff and visitors is a fundamental part of our work.  Within our school, we follow clear policies and procedures to ensure that children are safe from harm.  School adheres to DfE Guidance 'Keeping Children Safe in Education' which is underpinned by our school policy and practice.  KCSIE 2024 can be found here

The Safeguarding Policy and Procedure is available here.

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is:

Elizabeth Evans (Headteacher)

Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are:

Charley Caine  (Acting Deputy Headteacher) & Tina Nightingale (Pastoral Lead)

Early Help

Early Help is in place to ensure that families have help and support at the point of need.  School is equipped to provide support to families and is able to access a range of services on behalf of families and children.
We have highly skilled staff who are equipped to provide support and advice to help families if they are experiencing any issues from routines at home to accessing support for housing.   Louise Culpin (School based Social Worker) and Catherine Blanshard (Children's Counsellor) can be reached through the school office or on the days when they are available on site  (Louise works on Thursdays and Catherine on Wednesday afternoons).  

Our Pastoral Lead, Mrs Nightingale, is always on hand to provide help for parents.  She can be reached by contacting the school office or calling into school during the school day.

Rochdale Local Authority have issued an Early Help Guide for families, which is available here.

Operation Encompass

As part of Holy Family RC Primary School's commitment to keeping children safe we have signed up to implement the principles and aims of the Encompass Model.

 In signing up to Encompass the Governing Body and Senior Leadership Team:


  •  Endorse the Encompass Model and support the Key Adults in our school to fulfil the requirements of the Rochdale Encompass Protocol


  • Promote and implement Rochdale Encompass processes and use these in accordance with internal safeguarding children processes


  • Recognise the sensitive nature of the information provided and ensure that this is retained in accordance with the principles of data protection


 Mrs Maureen Conlon                                                   Mrs Elizabeth Evans 

 Chair of Governors                                                         Head Teacher