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Holy Family Roman Catholic Primary School

Through Work, Through Worship, Through Witness


Great Gates Road, Kirkholt, Rochdale, OL11 2DN

(01706) 640480



Welcome back to school!


Mrs Caine

Mrs Nightingale

Mrs Higgins


Spring Term

Our topic for the Spring term is ‘Amazing Africa’ we look at locating countries within Africa, biomes of Africa and how land is used in Africa. We will also look at the Benin Kingdom


We will be looking firstly mission and the mission of inspirational leaders linked to how we continue the work and mission of Jesus. Later in the term we will focus of learning on Eucharist, we will consider how memories are kept alive and how The Eucharist keeps the memory of Jesus’ sacrifice alive and present in a special way.  Finally we will focus on the Pentecost and the celebration of the Spirit’s transforming power.


During our English lessons this term, we will be basing our writing around our curriculum theme of ‘Amazing Africa;. We will use a variety of texts and film clips as a stimulus to help us engage and immerse in the topic.  We will be writing recounts, diaries, non-chronological reports, play scripts, narratives and poetry.  The texts that we will be using can be found on the topic page below.

Weekly spellings are given out on a Monday morning, and will be tested every 4 weeks. Children are expected to learn their weekly spellings each week. Spelling rules are taken from the National Curriculum spelling lists for Year 5 and 6. We will also revise previous years’ spelling rules throughout Year 5.

Children will bring their reading books home from school every day. It is expected that children will read daily at home as well as in school. Each child’s reading record contains their login information for the online platforms we have subscribed too.


In Maths this half term we will mainly focus on multiplication and division, fractions and decimals including percentages. It is important that all children in Year 5 know their multiplication facts up to 12x12. We will look at a range a methods for multiplication and division including written methods. We look at fractions and how they relate to decimals, how to add and subtract fractions. We will look at how to convert improper fractions to mixed numbers and how to find equivalent fractions. After half term we will link our fraction work to decimals and percentages.



In science this term we will be learning about; Earth and Space, we will investigate the movement of the earth and other planets relative to the sun and use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the sun across the sky.


PE will be every Friday afternoon.  Please wear your PE kits (suitable for the weather) to school on Fridays. No branded sportswear is allowed.

We will continue with our French lessons with Mrs Higgins along with other curriculum areas each afternoon including Computing, Art, Music and DT. We will also be making wider use of our outdoor learning environment.


If you have any other queries, please speak to Mrs Caine.