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Holy Family Roman Catholic Primary School

Through Work, Through Worship, Through Witness


Great Gates Road, Kirkholt, Rochdale, OL11 2DN

(01706) 640480



Welcome to Holy Family RC Primary School's website. We hope that the information you find here is useful for parents, friends, families and children.

We are a one form entry school in the heart of Kirkholt in Rochdale, serving the Catholic community and those of other faiths and none.  We pride ourselves in being a community whose values are taken from the Holy Family's example; that of supporting one another and striving to become the people God intended us to be.

Our mission is to achieve excellence 'through work, through worship and through witness' which we endeavour to do in partnership with parents and carers.

Please take the time to get to know our school.  Your comments and suggestions are also very welcome and you can pass on your ideas using the contact us section on the homepage.


Mrs E Evans 
