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Holy Family Roman Catholic Primary School

Through Work, Through Worship, Through Witness


Great Gates Road, Kirkholt, Rochdale, OL11 2DN

(01706) 640480



 A very warm welcome to the Year 4 class page. It is here where you can find out all about the daily routines of Year 4 and catch a glimpse of some of our wonderful work. 

This Spring Term we will be learning about our impact on the environment with our exciting topic 'Our Earth Matters'.

Read on to find out what else we will be learning about in the Spring Term. There are also links and ideas to help support learning at home.

 Staff: Mrs Rothwell and Miss Miller


This term we will be studying the three themes of Local Church - Life in the local Christian community and ministries in the parish, Eucharist – Giving and Receiving - Living in communion and Lent/Easter – Self Discipline - Celebrating growth to new life.


During our English lessons this term, we will be basing our writing around our curriculum theme of ‘Our Earth Matters’. We will use a variety of texts and film clips as a stimulus to help us engage and immerse in the topic.  We will be writing a speech and a biography, exploring poems about climate change, creating posters and writing newspaper articles.

For the Year 4 Curriculum objectives in reading, writing, spelling and handwriting which your child will be working towards across the year, please click the link below.


In Maths, we will start with multiplication and division. Next, we will progress to length and perimeter, then fractions and decimals.  We will continue to learn our times tables, children will be given opportunities to practise and attempt to beat their sound check score each week.

Times Tables Rockstar logins will be in children’s Communication Book so that they can practise at home too.

The year 4 age related expectation is to recall and use multiplication and division facts up to 12x.



Year 4 will embark on a voyage of discovery to investigate the busy world inside our bodies! We will test the effects of sugary substances on our teeth and discover how food makes its way through our digestive system, helped by some mouth-watering saliva! We will make a working model of the digestive system and use it to persuade others to eat healthily. We will learn how to look after these marvellous, mixture-making machines we call our bodies.

We will also become experts in the use of classification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things. We will learn how environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things

Creative Curriculum

Our topic for the spring term is ‘OUR EARTH MATTERS’ Our learning will include; navigating, investigating and exploring the world to reveal challenges faced by explorers including Scott and Amundsen’s deadly race to the South Pole.  We will journey through the amazing Arctic and discover what changes we can make to tackle climate change and save our planet.


PE will be every Wednesday afternoon.  Children will continue to go swimming this half term and should bring their swimming kits to school.  The last swimming session is Wednesday 29th January.  From Wednesday 5th February children should bring their school PE kit each Wednesday.


We will continue with our French lessons with Mrs Higgins along with other curriculum areas each afternoon including Computing, Art, Music and DT.



Each week the children will be given spellings which will be tested every four weeks. Children are expected to learn their spellings each week. Spelling rules are taken from the National Curriculum spelling lists for Year 3 and 4. We will also revise previous years’ spelling rules throughout Year 4.

Daily homework will consist of practising spellings, times-tables and reading for at least 10 minutes from the home-school reading books.


Thank you for supporting your child’s learning, if you have any other queries, please speak to Mrs Rothwell.


Websites to support children’s learning:


Thank you for supporting your child’s learning, if you have any other queries, please speak to Mrs Rothwell.


Websites to support children’s learning: